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Calebe Pimentel
Born in Brasil in1982. Studied digital photography at the University of  Harvard in 2014.
Photographer and documentary filmmaker, had his first contact with the professional still photography during childhood, when his father was a journalist and owner of the newspaper "A Notícia" in Rio Claro, São Paulo. At the same time, was an assiduous frequenter of film sessions conducted by the Rio-Clarense of Film Studies, where he spent part of the film society movement in Brazil.
During the rearticulation Brazilian film society movement in 2004, began to participate actively in the film society movement, as a photographer and documentarian, was part of the team who produced and directed the Pre-National Day of Film Societies and the I Ibero-American Film Societies, also occurred in Rio Claro.
He is currently executive producer of the International Festival of Audiovisual Atibaia and working on producing his first book "Look Lusophone" photographic work that has been developing since 2006 through his travels to Portugal with the most important film festivals in Portuguese, with forecast for launch in 2015.
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